• Letters to George and Mercy McCann


MacNeice 014

The British Broadcasting Corporation, Broadcasting House, London, W1, Telephone: Welbeck 4468 Cables: Broadcasts, London Inland Telegrams: Broadcasts, Telex, London

Dear George, Sorry not to have answered your letter before. I wrote to the CEMA boys saying that you were an ace at book-keeping, turning the other cheek etc. Did anything come of it? Saw Henry Moore the other day who remembered you kindly. When are you coming to London? (I'll probably be back in Belfast in April). The family flourish, only Corinna now wakes up daily at 5.0 a.m. Which is bad for morale. I am trying to place my play (stage) and getting involved with c. 50 % Machiavellian types and

Louis MacNeice
1946 Feb 12th
My Dark Tower, Essex
Linen Hall Library, "MacNeice014", Northern Ireland Literary Archive, accessed Wed, 03/12/2025 - 15:33, https://www.niliteraryarchive.com/content/macneice014