• Letters to George and Mercy McCann


The British Broadcasting Corporation
Broadcasting House, London, W.1
Telephone: Welbeck 4468 Cables: Broadcasts, London
Inland Telegrams: Broadcasts, Telex, London

December 3rd
Dear George, How are you? This is just seconding a letter from Hedli which Mercy should have had by now, asking you both to come and stay with us over Xmas. Please do this if you can possibly manage it (Jack Dillon by the way says he'd like you to go on down to him in Kent after the weekend and have some 'tough shooting'). There are a great many reasons you should come – all the usual and 2 or 3 unusual. (Dan, as you probably know, is still in the Bad lands of New Jersey, being Svengali'd by his Mamma). You'd like our new house and there is a good bed in Hedli's music room. Don't bother about money;

Louis MacNeice
1962 Dec 3rd
U.S.A, Bull Terrier
Linen Hall Library, "MacNeice058", Northern Ireland Literary Archive, accessed Sun, 02/16/2025 - 15:27, https://www.niliteraryarchive.com/content/macneice058?page=1