• Letters to Stanford


didn't enjoy the trip.

That's a hard-hitting piece in the EXPRESS
- N.I. is pretty complicated. I suppose we
have now to expect (as these hunger-strikers
die) IRA, vengeance:kidnappings,bombings etc.

Finally I've had details of the Keats
Competition,thanks tog x you and see the
closing date is mxxx now 19th June. Dad used
to say,as part of his drunken monologue:
"Competition is the life of trade." So I'll
compete. Will despatch 3 Foxes plus £3.00
to the good Australian lady.

O but that I were young again
And held her in my arms!

Love to you both -

Enclose card from Frieburg.
Frieburg is the nearset German city
to where Herta lives - Zurich is nearer

1974 Jun 5th
LHL, "GreacenStanford119", Northern Ireland Literary Archive, accessed Wed, 03/05/2025 - 01:21, https://www.niliteraryarchive.com/content/greacenstanford119