• Letters to Stanford


5th June, 1974

My dear Derek,

Many thanks for yrs.

Thanks for the felicitations. The sheer
unexpectedness of the legacy makes it all
the more delightful. Life is so strange: we
often get what we don't deserve and vice

That photo of Herta,I assure you,doesn’t
'do her justice' as they say. She looks a
little apprehensive. The car crash (she
was with'her husband) mu have been a xxxx
pretty awful experience: waking up injured
in hospital and being told her husband was
dead. Anyway,the photo shows she isn’t the
English conception of a busty hausfrau. You
will like her.

Thank Peggie for confirming my feeling
that one doesn't pay on legacies - the law
keeps being amended and I thought the
buggers might have changed it for the worse.

Glad you saw Jack recently and that he's
happy to be xxxxx back, strikes etc. notwith-
standing. But how disappointing that he

1974 Jun 5th
Herta, Peggie
LHL, "GreacenStanford118", Northern Ireland Literary Archive, accessed Wed, 03/05/2025 - 04:06, https://www.niliteraryarchive.com/content/greacenstanford118