• Conary


And swings the weapon as a man might think
The very thing had life, and struggled strong
To dash itself at breasts of enemies :
A cauldron at his feet, big as the vat
Of a king's kitchen ; in that vat a pool,
Hideous to look upon, of liquor black :
Therein he dips and cools the blade by times."
" Resolve us who be these three, Ferragon."
" Not hard to tell ; though hard, perchance to hear
For those who listen, and who now must know
What foes their fortune dooms them cope withal,
If this assault be given while these be here.
These three are Sencha son of Olioll,
Called ' Half-the-battle ' by admiring men ;
Duftach, for fierceness named the Addercop ;
And Govnan son of Luignech ; and the spear
In hands of Duftach is the famous ' lann '
Of Keltar son of Utechar, which erst
A wizard of the Tuath De Danaan brought
To battle at Moy Tury, and there lost :
Found after. And these motions of the spear,
And sudden sallies hard to be restrained,
Affect it, oft as blood of enemies
Is ripe for spilling ; and a cauldron then
Full of witch-brewage needs must be at hand,
To quench it, when the homicidal act
Is by its blade expected ; quench it not,

Liquor, Duftach, Luignech
Linen Hall Library, "Ferg015", Northern Ireland Literary Archive, accessed Tue, 03/04/2025 - 21:29, https://www.niliteraryarchive.com/content/ferg015