• Conary


" 'Tis just ; and welcome to our souls as well
For outrage unavenged," said Fergobar.
" 'Tis just : it is thy right," said Ferragon.
" 'Tis just, and woe it is ! " said Lomna Druth.

'Twas then that Conary from strife composed
By kingly counsel, 'twixt contending lords
Of distant Thomond, held his journey home.
But, when in sight of Tara, lo, the sky
On every side reflected rising flame
And gleam of arms. " What this ? " cried Conary.
A certain Druid was there in the train
Who answered, " Often did I warn thee, King,
This journey at this season was ill-timed,
As made in violation of the gaysh
That King of Tara shall not judge a cause
Except in Tara's proper judgment hall
From Beltane-day to May-day."

" Yea, in truth,.
1 do remember now," said Conary,
Amongst my prohibitions that is one.
Which thoughtlessly I've broken. Strange it is
That act for speedy justice and for peace
Accomplished, should, with God, be disesteem'd.
But, since Religion's awful voice forbids,
I pray forgiveness of offended Heaven,
Whose anger at my fault too plain I see.
And vow atonement at thy own award.
But, which way now ? "
" Ride northward to the track
Where Street Midluachra and Street Cualann join ;

Druid, Violation
Linen Hall Library, "Ferg003", Northern Ireland Literary Archive, accessed Tue, 03/04/2025 - 14:54, https://www.niliteraryarchive.com/content/ferg003