• Across the Barricades
  • Chapter 15



"So it was," said Brede.

"How did you know?"


"She's got fine instinct," declared Mr McCoy. "Just like her mother.
So that wee brat Kate MaloneKelly's been telling lies, has she?"

"We have to decide if they're lies or not. She was reluctant to
reveal your son's name - " He broke off as Kevin laughed derisively.
"But she had to to protect her father. After all, the box was found
in his yard and he could have been blamed for it."

"So it's her word against mine," aid Kevin. "Well, I'll come down
to the stationbarracks and you can bring her there and I'll face her with it.
You'll see then who's telling the truth."

"I don't know if that'll be xx possible. She was very upset."

"I bet she was," said Kevin sarcastixcally.

"You can prove nothing," said Mr/McCoy. "And you can at wait on me.
I'm coming too."

Brede sat up all night with Uncle Albert waiting for them to come
home. The birds began to chirp, the first flushes of colour came
into the sky, and still there was no sign of her father and brother.

"They can prove nothing," Said Uncle Albert for the hundredth

"I think I'll take a walk down and see what's going on," she
said when the hands on the red and cream kitchen clock stood at seven.

"I'll come with you, Brede."

Joan Lingard
Protect, Clock
Linen Hall Library, "Lingard147", Northern Ireland Literary Archive, accessed Tue, 03/04/2025 - 08:46, https://www.niliteraryarchive.com/content/lingard147