• Letters to Stanford


My old schoolfriend Leslie Baxter,over
for a teachers conference,stayed here last
night. We had a lot to say to each other.
The thought has just occurred to me that in
several hours of conversation politics wasn’t
mentioned! He lives for his work (teaching
art),house and garden — probably doesn’t
know the name of the P.M.! Yet he can tell
one the measurements of every cathedral in
Europe and such-like.

Have you heard this one ? Someone wrote
on a wall JESUS SAVES. To which was added,in
another hand, MOSES INVESTS.

A wall I pass every day,in a street off
Holland Park Ave., has an inscription in
huge letters : WHY NOT ?

I may have told you I had a nice letter
from Howard S. He said he was "astounded"
at the Arts Council decision.

Hope you can manage to come to Holbrook/
JB reading on 26th.

Love to you both - Robert

1 1/2 pints of beer today,
1/2 at lunch, 1 pint this evg.
Sipping orange juice as I type
and wallowing in self-pity.

1977 Oct 6th
LHL, "GreacenStanford315", Northern Ireland Literary Archive, accessed Wed, 03/12/2025 - 12:49, https://www.niliteraryarchive.com/content/greacenstanford315