• Letters to Stanford


No. 2 7 P. C.

23. 6. 76

replied: 25/6/76

My dear Derek,

Many thanks yrs 19y th.

Glad to hear of yr sale via Mr "Finkelstein"
of the ms of "Inside the 40's" to Texas.
Nice work. Another Jewish bookseller gent,
to wit, Bernard Stone,seems to have run into
difficulties and (a wee bird tells me) may be
closing down. The slump is truly upon us.

I'll be glad to have the reaction of the BRUM
POST to yr suggestion re R.G. I could do with
more reviewing.

Good,too,about the 2 lectures at Dorking.

I was at Cassell's party last Monday given to launch
Allan Prior's latest novel, "Affair". Allan is
now plump and prosperous,not the thin,hopeful
aircraftman of the War years. I'm very amused
to find little bits of sophistication in his
recent novels - cigars,foreign food,expert-
ise about expensive cars etc. But I'll say
this for him - he's worked damn hard for his

Dannie Abse has sent me a proof of a Fox he's
taken for his next POETRY DIMENSION ("Capt.
Fox on J. Edgar Hoover" from A Garland). I
think this is issue No. 4 (I remember
reviewing No. 2 about 18 months ago.) Again,
I'm pleased to see Capt. Fox making same
headway in England or,as the Yanks say,

1976 Jun 23rd
LHL, "GreacenStanford264", Northern Ireland Literary Archive, accessed Thu, 03/13/2025 - 00:35, https://www.niliteraryarchive.com/content/greacenstanford264