• Letters to Stanford


27 P. C.

22 May 1975

My dear Derek,

I must tell you that Gerald Clarke
and I have sent an ultimatum to Mrs. Cash.
We want the cash or we shall be forced etc.
Gerald has been suspicious for some time,
especially since his letters have not been
answered nor was he invited to the party.

I feel responsible for his having entered
the competition in the first place. Mrs.
Cash's last letter to me was somewhat
disingenuous. "Some of the £25 prize xxxx
winners have received their cheques..."
Then,in the next sentence,I am told that I
may have to wait "a few weeks or even
months". But on what basis have some been
paid ? Because they made a fuss ? Because
they have blue eyes ? Surely it would have
been a better idea to have sent everyone
a payment on A/C ,if only to show goodwill.
Or,more honest still,to have x returned
Mss and fees if she xx knew that she
hadN't enough money in hand to pay prize-
winners. I am sure you will agree that this
kind of behaviour isn't good enough, I
expect that insistence on payment for work

x cancelled the competition

1975 May 22nd
LHL, "GreacenStanford239", Northern Ireland Literary Archive, accessed Thu, 03/13/2025 - 17:53, https://www.niliteraryarchive.com/content/greacenstanford239