• Letters to Stanford


No. 27 P.C.

14 April 75
replied 19 Apr

My dear Derek,

Many thanks yrs 6th. I note the letter
has taken 8 days. I suppose the postmen would
say we are lucky that it has arrived at all.
A letter from Dundee took 10 days to arrive.
Perhaps the policy is deliberate - hold
back second class mail so much that in
desperation people will turn to 1st class.

Glad to hear xxxx about your NBL talk.

Yes,I note yr idea about Capt x.Fox-
Orlan Fox. Perhaps. I think I’d like to keep
the Fox poems fictitious and not linked with
real persons. But your idea is well worth
thinking over.

Bad news this a.m. My landlady writes
that owing to the large increase in rates and
overheads she wants £9 more monthly. I’llxxxxxx
consult with the tenant in the flat below (who
told me about the house). I expect there's
nothing I can do about it. The Rent Tribunal
would probably uphold her decision and,if I
went to them she would apply 'the rules' pretty
ridgidly xin future

Herta can’t find accommodation. Rents
for furnished flats run from £30 upwards,and
she's as well-off in the Hotel near me as

1975 Apr 14th
Captain Fox
LHL, "GreacenStanford228", Northern Ireland Literary Archive, accessed Tue, 03/04/2025 - 23:10, https://www.niliteraryarchive.com/content/greacenstanford228