• Letters to Stanford


against H.U. Prob. thought it too undergrad.

Have also had Valerie's verse “seizure”,as you
aptly put it. Not bad,but derivative. It confirms
my view that she is very clever but basically un-
creative,unoriginal; a good imitator of the styles
of others - not to be despised,but limiting. I
found the piece quite xxxx effective.

I wonder if Cis is filling yr lamp with oil.
I've had nothing since Christmas,but B.B.N. keep

Somewhat wearily— love to you both

Re future lunch meetings. I work until 1 p.m.
in Holland Park (quite literally round the corner}
so what I suggest is that we cd perhaps meet xx
somewhere near xxxxxxxxxxxx Gloucester
Rd Station about 1.30. There are a couple of
quite attractive restaurants there - xxxxxxxxxx
e.g. Dino's and Kardomah. Anyway, that's for future
reference. And of course this work may prove temporary.

Have you thought of selling your autobiography in pieces
rather that as a xxxxx book?

1974 Mar 30th
LHL, "GreacenStanford102", Northern Ireland Literary Archive, accessed Tue, 03/04/2025 - 15:04, https://www.niliteraryarchive.com/content/greacenstanford102