• Letters to Stanford


36 Holland Park Mews, London, W.11.
25th October 1973
replied, 27 Oct
My dear Derek,
Lunch yesterday was a great joy – and all the more so for the present – and of course the lucky green frog that is not jumping all over the carpet… and gradually turning ORANGE.
I have written to John Rotheroe and suggested Carson. It would certainly sell in N.I. Here is a draft of the opening bit which I’ve just finished this minute. Don’t think there is any lack of material on Carson – H.Montgomery Hyde did a biography some years ago. And there’s a lot of material about Carson the lawyer – Oscar Wilde (whom he knew at T.C.D.) prosecution etc. Thanks for putting me on to Shire. Comments appreciated.
I rang Valerie today. She told me she hasn’t had a copy of yr P.R.W. Perhaps it has gone direct to her reviewer – I think you know who is doing it there, don’t you ?
The house is full of Tibetans here for the Dalai Lama’s visit. May the Presbyterian God protect me !
Love to you both –

1973 Oct 25th
LHL, "GreacenStanford065", Northern Ireland Literary Archive, accessed Tue, 03/04/2025 - 17:07, https://www.niliteraryarchive.com/content/greacenstanford065