• Boyd Letters


21 May, 1958.

My dear Frank:

It was good to hear from you. I have not answered before this
because I wanted to meet Miss McColl and also to read her work. I
have now done both. She is a middle aged woman who comes from Co.
Louth and has been living in Belfast for the last ten years or so
with her sister. She is a complete natural and doesn't know Orahm
Greene exists. I have read the "Cut the Cards" story and will have
it broadcast, and I have asked her to bring in for me some manu-
scripts. I agree with you that there is beautiful feeling in her
work when it comes out pure. Thank God she isn't widely read: but
she tells me that Anna Karenina is her favourite novel, that Trollope
is the gre test English novelist, and that Frank O'Connor is the
greatest living short story writer. She has heard F. O'C broadcast
from Belfast and has also read four of his best stories in, I think,
some newspaper or other. And she has no doubt about him. She also
tells me that you have said that I am the best critic in the British
Isles - or is it in County Down, I am not sure which. Anyhow we are
all happy. I am seeing her again next week and shall report to you
in due course. Ah me, she asked about the mood story but I changed
the subject. I will do my best with her.

Your other news is good. Congratulations to you both on the
baby. Good news too that you are coming home in September. I shall
see my legal adviser, Mr. McFadden, and guarantee you safe conduct to
and from Belfast. What about a broadcast in the Fall?

I enjoyed The Mirror very much indeed and should have told you
that before this. However, if you are not the world's worse corres-
pondent you do qualify for the second prize.

I am going over to London for a visit and shall see Bill and Erna
We shall drink your health.


(John Boyd)

Talks Froducer, N.I.Region
Frank O'Connor Esq.,
160 Columbia Heights,
Brooklyn, I, N.Y.

John Boyd
1958 May 21st
Karenina, County Down
Linen Hall Library, "Boyd020", Northern Ireland Literary Archive, accessed Thu, 03/13/2025 - 08:00, https://www.niliteraryarchive.com/content/boyd020