• Across the Barricades
  • Chapter 9



And the blood would be Kevin's.

"Kevin," he said," I think you should get on home. I know you don't
want to fight my father."

"Course not."

"And I'm taking Sadie home. Now!"

Tommy jerked his head towards the end of the street. Both Sadie
and Kevin noticed and what he meant got his message. The two older menMr Jackson had not seen the others approachingthat reinforcements were at hand.

"You're right,Tommy, " said Sadie. "It's time we were getting
called it a day. Good night, Kevin."

HeKevin hesitated a moment.

"Good night, Kevin," she said again, her eyes on the approaching

"Good night Sadie." HeKevin said good night to Sadie and Tommy then walked quickly off in the opposite direct-
ion. Tommy held back his father. Mr Mullet required no restraining;
his feet were already turning homewards.

Kevin took the first turning and then zigzagged through the streets
towards his own area. He had not wanted to leave in a way. but His
old instinct of wanting to fight it out had been there very strongly,
but he knew it would have been stupid. He didn't want to fight
Sadie's father and brother. Not that Tommy would nothave fought him any-
way. They had no reason to fight one another.

He looked up and saw a glow in the sky. A fire. Oh well, there were often fires.There was noise ahead too: the sound of rioting. He skirted the barbed-wire barricades. Spoke to

Two policeman who asked him where he was going. Home, he said.

Joan Lingard
Fight, Barricades
Linen Hall Library, "Lingard080", Northern Ireland Literary Archive, accessed Tue, 03/04/2025 - 05:16, https://www.niliteraryarchive.com/content/lingard080