• Letters to Stanford


Dead horses need no xxxx flogging. Which is
not to say that novelty for its own sake
is much use.

Your detailed criticism is most useful and
I'll incorporate some of yr suggestions into
the poem. No,I haven't checked on whether
thesd places are near each other• But I
can't xxxabandon such lovely place-names
in the name
of geography and hope that "some such West-
country place” gets me off the hook. Or I
can simply plead "poetic licence". I've become
Interested in the "story poem" and perhaps
there will be more of this type of poem.
I think I must say Auf Wiedersehen or even
Goodbye to Capt. Fox who has been much with
me for the past 6 years.

Tomorrow evg there's a Group meeting here
and Jack's going to read. I can't know how
the boys and girls will react,but on the
whole they are fairly polite to their elders.
I get on pretty well with the 25 yr old lot
whereas I didn't care for the generation just
after xxxx ours.
They are not reacting against the
40's about which they have an open mind.

I've heard them call someone old-fashioned
because they liked the Beatles! Today a 25
yr old colleagure explained what the Rink
Bockers are all about and said he xx was too
old to be one of them. Too old at 25!

Going G'many 21st and back 1st Sept.

(If you shd wish to write : C/0 Bohler,
Gartenstr. 16 a, 789 Waldshut,Germany.)

Love to you both, Robert

DOn't know what Constable Sergeant said but
expect he will know what will make best
impression. Hope so,anyway. I cd do with sane
Arts Council cash if only to prevent it going
to the likes ol xxx xxxx xxx xxxx

1977 Aug 16th
LHL, "GreacenStanford296", Northern Ireland Literary Archive, accessed Thu, 03/06/2025 - 09:45, https://www.niliteraryarchive.com/content/greacenstanford296