• Letters to Stanford


Arts Council of Gt. Britain

Grants to writers

Sponsor's reasons for recommending the writer for a grant:

I have been impressed by Robert Greacen’s recent work,
especially his sequence of 'Captain Fox’ poems,and feel
that this writer badly needs some relief from economic
pressures and his arduous teaching duties,so that he can
write the sequel to the 'Captain Fox' sequence already
published and a second autobiographical volume. After a
protracted silence,Greacen has emerged as a remarkable
poet,who deserves every encouragement and help at a xxxxxx
juncture that has put some strain on him.

Michael Hamburger

6th AUgust, 1977

No. 29 9th August '77
My dear Derek,
You will be interested to see that Michael H has to say about me.
I've just phoned Howard S. who says he will send a supporting letter.
I'm asking for £2,000 - not £20,000!! Thanks for your help in this
as in so many matters.
Love to you both - Robert

1977 Aug 6th
LHL, "GreacenStanford292", Northern Ireland Literary Archive, accessed Tue, 03/11/2025 - 19:44, https://www.niliteraryarchive.com/content/greacenstanford292