• Letters to Stanford


No. 27

26 May 75

My dear Derek,

Have just had a long phone call from Peter
Fallon. Sunday,8th June is publication date of
A GARLAND FOR CAPTAIN FOX and he wants me to read xxx
from it (along with Kennelly and Hartnett) at
T.C.D. I’ve agreed to this. I had expected that,
like most publishers,there would be delay after xxxxx

I’ll sign copies when I’m over there and we'll
go through the review list.

I wish you and Peggie could be at the reading.
Perhaps at some other one a bit nearer the Sussex

So,you see,what began as a private joke between
us has changed, changed utterly into something quite
different. I vowed when I left Dublin,in 1948,after
a vicious attack,that I wouldn't return until they
asked me to go back. Now I shall go - willingly.
Love to you both.

1975 May 26th
Captain Fox, Dublin
LHL, "GreacenStanford241", Northern Ireland Literary Archive, accessed Tue, 03/04/2025 - 21:17, https://www.niliteraryarchive.com/content/greacenstanford241