The latest Fox. Love to you both - Robert 6th October '74
Written on the Back of a Used Envelope Found in
Captain Fox's Dustbin
Longanimity - must cultivate it.
Meniscus - a crescent-shaped figure.
Paisley pattern:ornamented by cone rather like tree cone.
Pornocracy - undue influence of whores
As, e.g., in early 10th century Papacy.
(unacceptable concept in North Antrim.)
Quandong - nice sound! A small Austrailian tree.
Siskin - a yellow greenish xxx finch
Sirop instead of syrup - Yankee usage.
Vine-rod - a Roman centurion's badge
Whample - a sudden blow (Scots dialect.Ulster too? Ballymena?)
Yoicks - cry of unspeakable fox-hunters
Zen. Tear up your scriptures Holy books
Meditate,master yourself,spew up truth.
x Ian Paisley's constituency
Zynthum - ancient Egyption beer. The last bloody word.