• Letters to Stanford


36 H P M

31 August 1974

My dear Derek,

The Dublin papers didn't arrive
yesterday. The newsagents muttered
something about 'a strike.'. As one might
expect. So I cdn't get an I.T.

I did pick up the latest HIB. They
print my Keith Doyglas piece on their
first review page and include me in their
notes on contributors: "Ulster poet
living in London." Fair enough.

Latest H.U. arrived yesterday,a
big 'double' issue. It contained a
vicious attack on my friend Denis xxxxxx
Ireland's "From the Belfast Jungle" by
none other than J. Simmons - he founded
the H.U., as you know. Poor old Denis,
who was 80 recently,will be upset. He had
a hell of a job getting the book pub-
lished and I for one think it's really
good - parts of it,esp his boyhood
memories of Belfast upper-class society,
brilliant. Simmons takes Hewitt and
Ormsby (H.U. editor) to task for praising
the book elsewhere and tells them they
shouldn't review every book that comes

1974 Aug 31st
LHL, "GreacenStanford151", Northern Ireland Literary Archive, accessed Tue, 03/04/2025 - 20:34, https://www.niliteraryarchive.com/content/greacenstanford151