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My dear Derek,
Many thanks. Your list of poetry publishers
plus comments is exactly what I was hoping for.
I can’t believe that Gollancz will say YES,so
I’m wondering who to try next. A possible might
be the Blackstaff Press in Belfast which is
putting out good work,but the trouble is that
over here they don’t carry any weight. They
sometimes get a grant to help with a book from
N.Ireland Arts Council (as they did in the case o
of Denis Ireland’s book which I review in the
current B and B ). Anyway, Derek, many thanks.
Still no cheque from B and B,despite repeated
requests. Still not paid for Nov /Dec. Frank
was hard to pin down to anything but xxxxxxxxx
responded better to my frenzied appeals...
I'm sure John Border had quite a tale to
tell. As has Freddy Vine. F has written to me a
couple of times since his acquittal - hopes to
holiday in Cornwall and I got some information
for him about hotels. Letter from Roy today.
Yesterday I emerged from my office and was
grasped by someone not immediately recognis-
able. FRED. He is bloated beyond recognition.
Many of his teeth xxxxxxxx have gone;those
remaining are black. --Did you see I won my
case,he asked jauntily,as if he had been