• Letters to Stanford


36 H P M
2/11/1973 replied : 5 Nov
My dear Derek,
The enclose from John Rotheroe will explain itself. Please return.
Here’s a photocopy of “The Captain in Spain”, slightly revised. HIBERNIA have consistently published me for two or three years – and they seem to like the Fox sequence, God bless ‘em. I sent the one about Goethe to Robt N. who saw it a few months ago and told me to return it if it didn’t find a home elsewhere.
HIBERNIA had a special offer for 12 issues, so I’ve subscribed for you. You won’t like their politics, but have a look at the book reviews. Let me know of the arrival of yr 1st copy. This is, shall we say, a pre-Christmas – a Hallowe’en – present. Members of the Capt. Fox Society must be looked after.
Keep the aspidistra flying while you’re coming up for air on animal farm in 1984!! Whatever has that come into my head for ?
Love to you both
- Robert

1973 Nov 2nd
LHL, "GreacenStanford068", Northern Ireland Literary Archive, accessed Thu, 03/13/2025 - 08:56, https://www.niliteraryarchive.com/content/greacenstanford068