• Boyd Letters


Nortnern Ireland

4th February 1976

Dear Mr. Goldbaum,

I understand from Mr. Wolfgang Nitsch, of
Stadtische Duhnen Osnabruck, there has been a
misunderstanding about my visit and lecture, and
that they are unable to pay my expenses,
However, I have explained to Mr. Nitsch that my
plans are too far advanced to alter them, and that
I shall go ahead and see the premiere of The Flats,
and also give the lecture, preferably for an
honorarium. Before going to Osnabruck I plan to
spend a week in Paris from the 14th March, If
you want to contact me my Paris address is

C/o, Hotel Saint-Paul,
43 Rue Monsieur-le-Prince,
Paris 6, France,

I have told Mr, Nitsch that I forwarded to you a
copy of my lecture for possible translation.
I hope you received this lecture safely.

I am giving a lecture at the Sorbonne on my work
at the request of a Professor there.

I shall be very glad to hear your news. I hope
all is well,

Vours sincerely,
(John Boyd)

Peter Goldbaum,
Petor Goldbaum Produktion,
8 Munchen-Allach,
Riezleweg 4, MUNICH,
W. Germany

John Boyd
1976 Feb 4th
Paris, Germany
Linen Hall Library, "Boyd076", Northern Ireland Literary Archive, accessed Sat, 03/29/2025 - 07:34, https://www.niliteraryarchive.com/content/boyd076