• Boyd Letters


20th October 1949.

Dear Michael,

I have just heard, at the last minute,
that the BBC will not release me from this
Jubilee nonsense to go to London. This
is a sad blow as I was looking forward very
much to seeing you. I have had to cancel
recording arrangements and studio bookings
and so on, and as you can guess I'm not in
the best of tempers.

However, these things happen in the
BBC and have to be endured. Many thanks
for the pome: it lifted our spirits, and
has made Frances bring a dictionary into
the office. Thus good comes from evil.

If you have any time drop me a note:
I see McFaden once a week and if he or I
can be of any help at any time I know
you'll write. 1'11 let you know when I
get some decision made about the stories.
One - "The Man of the House" is in pro-

With best wishes to you
Yours ever

Frank 0,Connor Esq.,
Flat 36, Rutland Court,

Denmark Hill, S.E.5.

John Boyd
1949 Oct 20th
B.B.C, Jubilee, O'Connor
Linen Hall Library, "Boyd005", Northern Ireland Literary Archive, accessed Mon, 03/31/2025 - 21:16, https://www.niliteraryarchive.com/content/boyd005?page=1